Visiting Borders live music venue


Martin Whitfield MSP has visited iconic local live music and arts venue MacArts in Galashiels to hear more about its innovative work supporting and promoting live music in the Borders. MacArts is run by the Duncan Mackinnon Music and Arts Trust, which was formed in December 2011 to fulfil an ambition to create a state-of-the-art [...]

Visiting Borders live music venue2023-09-22T11:35:07+01:00

Great Tapestry of Scotland visit


Martin Whitfield MSP has visited the Great Tapestry of Scotland at its new permanent home in the centre of Galashiels for an update on developments since the centre opened in 2021. The South Scotland MSP met with the tapestry centre's Director Sandy Maxwell-Forbes to hear more about what has been happening since it's new permanent [...]

Great Tapestry of Scotland visit2023-09-20T09:57:32+01:00

RNID Near You service sessions begin


Since the Scottish Borders RNID Near You service was launched in February, the team has been busy recruiting volunteers and setting up their monthly hearing loss drop-in sessions, which are now set to launch. At these free sessions, RNID's friendly volunteers can help with: Information on hearing loss and tinnitus, Maintenance of NHS hearing aids [...]

RNID Near You service sessions begin2023-09-21T12:26:04+01:00

Building skills demonstrated


An initiative to demonstrate traditional building skills to young people has been praised by Martin Whitfield MSP. Organised by the Scottish Traditional Building Forum at the Scottish Parliament, the event involved young people working in the industry delivering mini-masterclasses to schoolchildren, including pupils from Galashiels Academy. The demonstration was organised as part of the Build [...]

Building skills demonstrated2023-09-21T15:17:16+01:00

Pupils celebrate Walk to School Week


Martin Whitfield MSP has joined pupils from schools in the Scottish Borders and other MSPs outside the Scottish Parliament to celebrate this year’s Walk to School Week. Walk to School Week (15 to 19 May) is organised by Living Streets, the UK charity for everyday walking as part of their National Walking Month campaign each [...]

Pupils celebrate Walk to School Week2023-09-21T15:57:40+01:00
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