Motion highlights MOD gold award


Martin Whitfield MSP has tabled a motion at the Scottish Parliament highlighting East Lothian Council’s success in being granted the Ministry of Defence’s Employer Recognition Scheme Gold Award. The South Scotland MSP’s motion welcomes the award, which has been achieved because of the authority’s work in support of the local armed forces community, and congratulates [...]

Motion highlights MOD gold award2023-09-21T12:13:05+01:00

Employability hub launch welcomed


Martin Whitfield MSP has welcomed the launch of a new community hub drop in for people of all ages, which coincided with this year's Exam Results day. Located at MECLC (Musselburgh East Community Learning Centre), but serving people across East Lothian, the careers and employability support hub is a collaborative effort between Skills Development Scotland [...]

Employability hub launch welcomed2023-09-20T14:59:56+01:00

Column: There’s help if you’re struggling


As we approach the mid-way point of the summer holidays, I know many parents will be finding it hard to cope with the additional financial demands this time of year can bring. Rising mortgage costs and ongoing high inflation are exacerbating the cost of living struggles many households have been experiencing. The various summer provision [...]

Column: There’s help if you’re struggling2023-11-21T12:18:03+00:00

Column: Well done to all school staff


As the school holidays and parliamentary summer recess get underway, I want to say a huge thank you to all the staff in local schools for everything they have done to educate and support our children this year. Teachers and support staff have continued to face a variety of challenges in the wake of the [...]

Column: Well done to all school staff2023-09-20T15:11:48+01:00

First Scotland Loves Local Week welcomed


The launch of a new campaign week aiming to put localism at the heart of a stronger, greener, fairer Scotland has been welcomed by Martin Whitfield MSP. The Scotland Loves Local campaign was initiated in August 2021 to help Scotland's towns and neighbourhoods recover from the pandemic. Scotland Loves Local is now moving from a [...]

First Scotland Loves Local Week welcomed2023-09-21T10:46:56+01:00

Supporting Scottish Bus Week


To help mark this year’s Scottish Bus Week (22-28 May), Martin Whitfield MSP has visited local operator Prentice of Haddington and declared his support for the campaign and the vital role of local bus services. The South Scotland MSP was joined by East Lothian Council’s Provost and Transport Spokesperson, Cllr John McMillan, who is a [...]

Supporting Scottish Bus Week2023-09-21T12:50:37+01:00

Praise for Easter lunch clubs


Martin Whitfield MSP has praised the work of the Fa'side and PSG Lunch Clubs after attending their Family Fun Day marking the end of the Easter break sessions. Mr Whitfield joined representatives from East Lothian Council, including Cllr Colin Yorkston and Cllr Shamin Akhtar, volunteers and supporters of the lunch clubs and families who have [...]

Praise for Easter lunch clubs2023-09-27T14:59:31+01:00

Column: Work together to finish the job


As a parent and teaching professional, I have always been passionate about children’s rights and sought to empower children and young people on decisions that affect their lives and futures. The United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child (Incorporation) (Scotland) Bill was a landmark piece of legislation on children’s rights, passed unanimously by [...]

Column: Work together to finish the job2023-10-24T15:25:31+01:00
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