Martin Whitfield MSP has committed to supporting the Fair Trade Pledge for MSPs to promote the benefits of fair trade during the current parliamentary session.

Fair Trade has always been an important part of challenging global inequality and poverty. COVID-19 has exacerbated these inequalities, making Fair Trade more essential than ever before.

The Fair Trade pledge is a way for MSPs to show their support for all actions which improve the livelihood of farmers and workers who produce many of the products which we consume every day.

Speaking about his support for the pledge, Martin Whitfield MSP said:

Towns and villages across the South of Scotland have a proud track record of supporting Fair Trade, while Scotland became one of the first Fair Trade Nations back in 2013.

“Fair Trade has always been important for helping overcome global inequality and poverty. However, Covid has heightened the importance of striving for a fairer deal for producers and workers.

“The Fair Trade pledge is helping MSPs to engage with Fair Trade principles and help build on what Scotland has already achieved over the years.

“That’s why I’m delighted to commit my support to the pledge to promote the importance of Fair Trade in tackling poverty, building back a fairer economy and tackling the climate emergency.”

The full pledge is:

During my time in post as an MSP, I will:

  • Take actions to promote Scotland’s Fair Trade Nation status;
  • Listen to the voices of producers in global supply chains, support actions to build back a fairer economy and tackle the climate emergency;
  • Support measures to increase the public procurement of Fair Trade products.

Find out more about the work of the Fair Trade Pledge and the work of the Scottish Fair Trade Forum at