6 to 12 June is Carers Week, the annual opportunity to celebrate and raise awareness of caring and unpaid carers, which this year is campaigning to make caring Visible, Valued and Supported.

Martin Whitfield MSP pledged his support for carers in South Scotland region ahead of the week, commenting:

“Carers have had a particularly challenging time during the COVID-19 pandemic, facing reduced support and cuts in respite and other services.  Many are now being hit by the cost of living crisis, so Carers Week 2022 is a perfect opportunity to recognise and thank unpaid carers for the amazing job they do on a day-to-day basis.

“But we also need to do more to support carers, which is why I’m backing an end to all non-residential care charges and implementation of a strategy for unpaid carers, including the restoration and expansion of respite services, with entitlements to short breaks and wellbeing services.”

Pledge your support for carers and find out more about the week’s activities at https://www.carersweek.org/