This May, Fields in Trust, the only UK charity fighting to make sure local parks and green spaces are legally protected, is running its Bark For Our Parks fundraising campaign to support its important work.

The charity says our local parks are at risk of being built on and lost forever. So, it is encouraging anyone who cares about their local parks and greens spaces to join them and take a four-legged stand to help protect our parks by taking part in Bark For Our Parks.

It is calling all dogs (and their human owners) to take on the challenge of walking 50km or 100km this May to help raise funds in support of the charity’s work.

Martin Whitfield MSP said: 

“I have committed to support Fields in Trust in its work protecting and championing local parks and green spaces, so I’m pleased to get behind its national fundraising campaign – Bark for our parks – this May.

“It’s a fantastic, accessible and fun campaign that anyone can get involved in. So if you are passionate about your local parks and green spaces, why not find out more now and help raise funds for this important cause.”

Find out more about the campaign and how you get involved at